Award Winning. Family Law.
Family law isn't just
Something We Do, It's the Only Thing.

Benefits of shared child custody for Alabama parents

Many divorcing spouses have obstacles to overcome, particularly when children are involved. Each Alabama parent has the opportunity to gain child cus ...

Mother loses child custody after night of drinking

A teen and her 8-year-old sibling were taken into protective custody recently. Alabama residents may have learned that a mother was charged with child ...

Sherri Shepherd decides she doesn’t want child custody

Actress and TV host, Sherri Shepherd, has been even more in the spotlight due to her recent divorce filing. Divorce comes with many matters for Alabam ...

Alabama parents can learn from child support arrests

Child support payments play a vital role in providing kids with basic necessities such as food and clothing. Since child support payments are so imp ...

Making the best of child custody in Alabama

The topic of divorce can come up in a marriage for a number of reasons, whether the parties live alone or with a house full of children. In divorce pr ...

Alabama issues with child custody schedules

The divorce process can bring on multiple arguments between spouses. One of the main issues divorcing spouses argue about is child custody. Many Alab ...