Award Winning. Family Law.
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How Can Parents Enforce Visitation Rights in Alabama?

Your Visitation Rights Are Not Up For Debate Child custody and visitation are some of the most emotional issues in family law. Even if both parents w ...

Child Custody Mediation vs. Litigation in Alabama: Which is Best for Your Family?

Why Should I Consider Mediation when I have a child custody issue with my ex-spouse? Anytime child custody becomes an issue with your ex-spouse, it's ...

Alabama Child Custody Laws for Unmarried Parents: Rights and Responsibilities

Some Facts About Alabama's Child Custody Laws If You Are Unmarried. If you are unmarried in Alabama and have a child, there are still some very perso ...

Understanding the Best Interests of the Child Standard in Alabama

What Does the Alabama Court Consider When Deciding What's in the Best Interests of The Child? If children are involved in your divorce, then child cu ...

Relocation and Custody in Alabama: Legal Considerations and Procedures

If You're the Custodial Parent, Are You Allowed to Relocate Under Alabama Law? Many things in your and your children's lives will change when you div ...

Joint Custody vs. Sole Custody in Alabama: What You Need to Know

How Does Alabama Define Child "Custody" In a Divorce? In an Alabama divorce, the legal term "custody" essentially has two different distinctions: " l ...