Award Winning. Family Law.
Family law isn't just
Something We Do, It's the Only Thing.

A prenuptial agreement can help avoid court battles over pets

Prenups are becoming more common for newly engaged couples that wish to safeguard the assets they are bringing into the marriage and to provide for t ...

Prenuptial agreement covers more than just assets

Most people believe that prenups are only a preparation for a divorce in the future. However, entering into a prenuptial agreement is not only for s ...

In some circumstances, a prenuptial agreement can be set aside

For many individuals — whether they have important assets or children that they are trying to protect — a prenuptial agreement can be an essenti ...

For many individuals — whether they have important assets or children that they are trying to protect — a prenuptial … Prenuptial Agreements

Planning a wedding can be a bittersweet moment that is fun and stressful at the same time. While Alabama couples are choosing the perfect venue for th ...

How does stay-at-home parenting fit into property division?

When couples reach the decision to divorce, financial matters might be among the first things each spouse considers. Couples typically accumulate asse ...

Attitudes toward prenuptial agreements might be changing

Many couples enter marriage knowing that signing a prenuptial agreement is an option to help protect their assets, but others might be apprehensive to ...